Hat Yai

The center of the south has seen better times in terms of night activities.

Many traveler from Malaysia which are the majority of tourists here stay in Danok at the border instead of driving further north to Hat Yai which means not so many people at bars, nightclubs and hotels anymore.

But they have plenty of excellent food in the evening, even street food is not bad and above all it's clean.

Street Food    Go Shopping    Restaurants     Railway Station    Girls at Night

Attractions and what to do and to see

hat yai nightlife show
Hat Yai Bars entertainment with life music

outside PPub

Hat Yai Street food
the city at night Chinese style
hat yai nightlife with girls

The nightlife beauty above is sitting outside the Post Laser Disc Pub with other girls a bit further down on the map.
Whole Hay Yai changed more into a shopping, simple massage and open air dinner Chinese style nightlife with much less girls than before. Since most activities stops around 11 pm it's not so interesting anymore, time is changing. The pictures above are from the square which is right in front of the Lee Garden and Pink Lady Hotel in the center.

open air bar in front of pink lady hotel in the center

Some Thai snacks at night

This are cockroaches grasshopper and other strange creeper, many people that. The real danger with it is that this insects are all poisoned because the farmers offload tons of insecticide on them and they eat that. But as a women some time ago seriously told me that Thai people are stronger than other it wont hurt them for sure.

Bars in Hat Yai are less sex driven compared to other places.

Although it seems to me that some business could be done with the waitresses, the whole is a shift in resent times into a rather subtle form of sensual nights. It's nice entertainment and prices are moderate with no entrance fees. Many places have life music to make sure you feel good.

PPub live music at night
karaoke and coyote dancing at the cafe

The bars pictured above are just a bit down from the main square at the Lee Garden Hotel.

Even in the Pink Lady Cafe which was a highlight with coyote dancing there are no more peoples, also the Thai style massage shop with the young women is empty. That place is in the hotel with the same name, just beside of the Lee Garden Hotel located in the very center. Along the main street they still have some lounges and karaoke clubs but if anyone is after sexy night stuff better stay at Danok which is a really amazing small city. 

Karaoke and other fun at Danok

This total decline started after the last bombing which, people say, was the work of the usual mad Islamist but I doubt since there is too much crime and apart from the Islamist, smuggling, mainly diesel, is the big issue.

Hat Yai is the third largest town in Thailand.

after Chiang Mai, and most tourists drive through to Malaysia, Penang and Kuala Lumpur, there is also a daily train to KL. Now they often stop at the border because they close the border between 11 pm and 5 am. Main industry is rubber and oil-plantations as everywhere in the south of Thailand. Hat Yai has no beach, the next is at Songkhla which is the capital of the province, although the latter town is smaller and rather boring but with the biggest fishing port of the south.

In this area is an enormous amount of every day crime, apart from the bombs of the Islamists and the daily killings of Buddhist civilians. In 2014 they discovered that the head of the crime prevention authority in Thailand (somehow similar to the US FBI) run the biggest smuggle and extortion racket in the south. It needs to mention that as a tourist all this stuff wont effect you, it's just to tell what's up in the deep south.  

show in hat yai nightlife
best hat yai nightlife show at pink lady cafe

Here is Hat Yai holiday travel with nightlife clubs bars and girls. 

You wont regret a visit to the capital of southern Thailand and it's easy to reach too via dozens of buses from most destinations of the deep south. Also to Malaysia which means Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Ipoh etc. to the north it's Bangkok, Phuket and even direct links to Chiang Mai are available but it might be better to travel through Mo Chit in the capital and take another bus there since the prices are lower. To Phuket are hourly connections from 6 am to 7 pm. 

colorful city center during daytime

From vacationer point of view who like a beach environment probably the best is get to Pak Bara and board the ship to Ko Tarutao, Ko Lipe and 50 more islands in the archipelago a bit north of Malaysia's Langkawi and Penang.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys,

    It's fantastic that you are getting ideas from this piece of writing as well as from our dialogue made here.

    Seeing how much you are into nightlife and clubbing, I would recommend you to visit Maya Pattaya, club Walking Street once. It's a really good, Indian themed club.
